What is AREA?
The AREA system was set up in Barcelona in May of 2005. It is a comprehensive road-side parking management system in which all parking spaces within the regulated zone are distributed —using a priority system— and regulated by a system of regulations and tariffs.
This comprehensive system of regulation has the effect of discouraging travel to the regulated zone, thus reducing stresses on the transit system. The regulations are only in force during the day, meaning that the deterrent effect only occurs during the daytime, it is not needed during evenings and on public holidays.
AREA uses different types of spaces: blue, green, residents-only, loading and unloading, motorcycles, coaches and others (reserved spaces etc.)
Fiscal Ordinance 3.12 approved by the Plenary of the City Council of Barcelona establishing the rules of use and the tariffs for the different types of parking spaces and its uses.
The goals of AREA are as follows:

- To reduce and regulate the demand for on-street parking optimizing the available spaces, contributing to sustainable mobility and working against incivilities.

- To reduce incivilities in on-street parking spaces (double parking, parking on pavements etc.) which reduce the efficacy of the road network and affect pedestrian and road safety in general.

- To optimize and rationalize the distribution of on-street parking, responding to the new needs in mobility and urban coexistence (vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, PMV, etc.).

- To increase, as much as posible, parking availability for residents in the most deficit areas.

- To contribute to improve of the quality of the environment through the reduction of exhaust emissions and noise pollution.
Information Phone

place BSM Citizen Attention Office
- Calabria, 66. 08015 Barcelona
Types of places

AREA is configured in different types of places: blue, green, green exclusive for residents, urban distribution of goods, motorcycles, coaches and others (special reservations, etc.).