What is an AREA resident?
In summary, we can say that an AREA resident is that person who is registered within a residential area of AREA of Barcelona and who has a vehicle with more tan 2 wheels (that does not exceed 6 meters in length, 3,500 kg of PMA and 9 passengers at máximum).
Where can a resident park their vehicle?
A resident with AREA resident parking rights can park in their residential area, after obtaining the obligatory parking receipt through the parking meter or through the 'Barcelona Residents' service of the mobile application SMOU. The Tax Ordinance regulates what rate will be applied to it that corresponds to the vehicle's environmental label. You can leave the vehicle parked in one place without moving it for a maximum of seven calendar days, in accordance with the current ordinances, regardless of the number of days for which you have obtained the corresponding receipt.
You can also park in any other Green and Blue spaces of the city, after obtaining the mandatory parking receipt either at the parking meter or through the service Parquimetre of the mobile application SMOU. In this case, the AREA resident parking right will not apply.
Delimitation of the AREA resident zones
Currently there are 35 resident zones that configures the area Resident service. Consult the specific details of each AREA zone and download the maps in pdf by clicking here.
Where can I park for free?
You can park your vehicle for free and without obtaining any parking receipt outside of the regulation hours, that is, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. every weekday from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays you will have to previously consult the vertical signage. You can also park your vehicle for free in spaces of the Urban Goods Distribution (área DUM), whenever it is outside the regulation hours.
What are the Residents-only AREA?
The zones identified as Residents-only are zones that, due to their special characteristics, are exclusively used every day of the year by residents authorized to park in that zone. In case of doubt, it is always necessary to consult the corresponding vertical signal.
I wanna go
Move through the AREA map to see the distribution of regulated parking spaces in the city: Blue, Green, Residents-only, Authorized zones of residents as well as location of the parking meters.
Who is deemed to be a resident for the purposes of AREA?
Link to download requirements for residency (Ordinance 3.12)
Consult the Environmental Distinctive of your vehicle
Requirements to be a Resident of AREA
AREA residents are natural persons who are registered in the regulated zones and who have a vehicle with more than two wheels of a maximum of nine seats that does not exceed 6 meters in length and 3,500 kg of PMA.

Not exceed 6 meters

Max. 3.500 kg

Max. 9 seats
Who can request AREA resident parking rights?
You must meet any of the following requirements:
- Be the owner or main driver of a vehicle registered in the IVTM (tax on mechanical traction vehicles) in the city of Barcelona, provided that it is included as such in the insurance of the vehicle.
- Be the main driver of a company vehicle or maintain a commercial contract to provide services, if autonomous.
- To be the main driver of a vehicle under a renting, leasing or stable rental regime of more than three months, either in his name or on behalf of the company for which he works or with which he has a commercial contract for the provision of services, case of being autonomous.
What is AREA resident parking right for?
The AREA resident parking right serves to park your vehicle as a resident in the Green and Residents-only parking spaces in their resident area, upon payment of the corresponding fee through the means enabled for it (app SMOU - Barcelona Residents service or parking meter).
The application and granting of the AREA resident parking right is required to obtain the parking receipt issued by the parking meter or by mobile application SMOU - Barcelona Residents service. In both cases, the resident parking payment receipt includes the vehicle registration and also the corresponding resident area, identifying it as a resident authorized to park en their AREA resident zone.
- The application and granting of the AREA resident parking right associated with the registration of the vehicle for which a parking receipt is obtained is essential to opérate with the parking meter and park in their AREA resident zone.
- I you are user of SMOU app, with 'Barcelona Residents' service activated, the application will check and, if you have applied and have been granted the right, recognizes your parking rights as a resident in your AREA resident zone.
- As long as you retain your AREA resident parking right, will allow you to obtain parking receipts as AREA resident.
- Information about the procedure to obtain a parking receipt for one day or for more days from SMOU - Barcelona Residents service App is shown here.
- Information about the procedure to obtain a parking receipt for one day or for more days from parking meter is shown here.
- If you have two or more vehicles, when obtaining a payment receipt from the parking meter, you must enter the registration number corresponding to the vehicle for which you want to obtain the parking receipt.
- In case of use the parking meter, remember that it is no longer necessary to put the parking receipt inside your vehicle. The digital receipt issued by the parking meter already incorporates the data associated with the registration that identifies you as a resident with AREA resident parking rights.
- Remember that you can only park your vehicle for a maximum of seven calendar days.
- You must report any data changes related to your AREA resident parking right such as the registration and de-registration of vehicles, changes of address etc. Only then will it work with the new parameters. Most procedures can be completed easily through the virtual office of Barcelona City Council.
Download the documentation
To see what documentation is necessary to provide to request the AREA resident parking right, click here.