The AREA of Barcelona prepares for the new mobility
The AREA of Barcelona, the system of regulated parking on public roads, is preparing to adapt to public space and mobility as a result of the future progressive exit from the confinement of citizens. We have been working together with Barcelona City Council and the different areas involved to ensure that citizens can gradually return to their usual activities, making their journeys under the best possible conditions and, at the same time, using sustainable and non-polluting means.
Given the current scenario and in view of the imminent start of the recovery of citizen activity, an action plan has been drawn up by AREA to help adapt the city to the increase in mobility, in a context where an increase in individual mobility is expected. The objective of the measures included in this action plan is to apply formulas for citizens to reactivate their daily lives in a safe, sustainable, healthy and efficient manner.
Measures included in the AREA action plan include:
• Complete the renovation of parking meters, which provide greater technology that allows contactless payment and the application of environmental fees that benefit non-polluting vehicles.
• Application of the 2020 surface parking fees according to the vehicle's environmental classification, coinciding with the end of the State of Alert, and which will contribute to reducing the city's air pollution levels.
• Application of the continuous and uninterrupted timetable of the Blue area from 9 am to 8 pm with the aim of continuing to reduce mobility movements in polluting private vehicles.
• Maintenance of the current Resident rate unchanged during 2020.
• Promote the use of mobile apps to pay the tickets of the Green and Blue area (app SMOU) and residents (app ONaparcar Residents) and to manage the tickets of the DUM area (app areaDUM).
• Reinforce the disinfection of more than 2,000 parking meters in the city with special emphasis on digital screens.
• Start-up of four 100% electric AREA control vehicles to minimise on-site controls at street level and facilitate AREA regulation by increasing effectiveness and efficiency.
• Extension of regulated surface parking areas in Barcelona.
• Extension of Urban Goods Distribution in the metropolitan area to facilitate and improve the distribution of goods to several municipalities in the metropolitan area.
• Intensification of the control of the indiscipline of motorcycles on the sidewalk by the AREA guards with the aim of freeing up sidewalks and facilitating the movement of citizens on foot.
• Intensification of the control of the indiscipline of the regulated parking areas in the public thoroughfare by the AREA guards to promote a more responsible, respectful and civic use.
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