AREA, the regulated parking system of Barcelona, has completed the process of implementating of the new signage corresponding to the different types of regulated parking spaces in the city with the aim of making the identification of parking spaces more understandable and making it more accesible to the citizen the information about on-street regulated parking as well as its different services.
The new Blue area signage is identified with the blue colour of the parking space and a vertical sign that bears the Blue area service symbol, the blue identification colour and the written indication ‘Blue per minute’, in addition to the service information corresponding to the concrete section of location of the vertical signal.
The new Green area signage is identified with the green colour of the parking space and a vertical sign that bears the Green area service symbol, the green identification colour and the written indication ‘Residents and per minutes’, in addition to the service information corresponding to the concrete section of location of the vertical signal.
The new Resident area signage is identified with the white colour of the parking space and the written word ‘RESIDENTS’ on the floor and a vertical sign that bears the Resident area service symbol, the white identification colour and the written indication ‘Residents-only, in addition to the service information corresponding to the concrete section of location of the vertical signal.
In total, during last year 2018, has updated the image and signage of 3,632 Residents-only parking spaces, 1,268 vertical signs of Blue area and 4,491 vertical signs of Green area. The corporate image of the different services offered by AREA is completed with this update: Resident area, Green area, Blue area, DUM area, Motos area and Bus area.
Resident area, exclusive parking for residents-only
The parking spaces regulated as Resident area are intended to give full preference to the exclusive parking of neighbours. These are parking spaces that are located in very specific zones with such a high infrastructural deficit that justifies this exclusivity.
Green area, parking for residents and per minute
The parking spaces regulated as a Green area are intended to prioritize the parking of vehicles of residents of this zone to the detriment of vehicles of non-residents. These parking spaces are within the scope of comprehensive regulation, in which the sum of parking needs of residents and non-residents exceeds the available offer. For this reason, the maximum time a non-resident vehicle can park during the regulation time is one or two hours.
Blue area, parking per minute
The parking spaces regulated as Blue area are intended to encourage a high turnover of vehicles in the vicinity of service zones with tertiary sector, commercial zones, hospitals or schools and, thus, that the greatest number of people can benefit from the advantage of be able to park their vehicle on public roads to carry out their procedures.
apparkB, the free app to pay the parking in Blue and Green parking spaces
To obtain parking tickets as non-residents, it is recommended to use the free apparkB mobile app. This application allows to pay for the exact parking time in the Blue and Green parking spaces digitally. Thus, a digital ticket is obtained that allows to be checked in a safe way and in real time by the parking enforcement officer’s device and, therefore, it is not necessary to use a parking meter or to place the paper ticket in the vehicle.
ONaparcar residents, the free app to pay the parking as resident
Residents can manage their parking easily, agile and flexible with the free app ONaparcar residents that allows to issue parking tickets without having to look for a parking meter. In addition, there is no need to return to the vehicle to put a paper ticket because by doing so telematically, the parking enforcement officers can confirm the validity of the parking checking the registration plate on their digital devices. The allowed duration of the tickets issued from the app can be for only one day or until the last working day of the year.
For more information:
Resident area
Green area
Blue area