Regulated parking environmental fees are launched
As of 25 May 2020, environmental tariffs for regulated parking on Barcelona's public streets will be implemented with the aim of contributing to the reduction of air pollution levels and the improvement of the city's air quality.
Blue area fees
The regulated parking spaces in the Barcelona’s Blue area are located in the vicinity of service areas with the tertiary sector, shopping areas, hospitals, schools, etc., so that the greatest number of people can benefit from the advantage of being able to park their vehicles as close as possible to their destination. But with the commitment to leave the parking space free for another user as soon as possible.
The new regulated parking fees in Barcelona's Blue area parking spaces are established in a variable way according to the DGT's environmental label, which classifies vehicles according to their polluting potential and the type of fee applicable to the parking space in which they are to be parked.
In addition, the hours of operation of the Blue area are extended by incorporating the regulation of the time slot between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm. In this way, in general, the hours of operation of the Blue area are from 9 am to 8 pm, although it is always necessary to check the time information on the vertical sign that regulates the specific section of the parking space.
Green area fees
The objective of the regulated parking spaces in Barcelona's Green area is to give priority to the parking of residents in the area over that of non-residents.
The new regulated parking fees in Barcelona's Green area spaces are established in a variable manner according to the DGT's environmental label, which classifies vehicles according to their polluting potential and the type of fee applicable to the parking space in which they are to be parked.
The majority of the hours of operation of the Green area are from Monday to Friday or from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 am. to 8:00 pm, although it is always necessary to check the time information on the vertical sign that regulates the specific section of the parking space.
App SMOU: obtaining Blue and Green area parking receipts
The users of the Blue and Green areas have at their disposal the SMOU app to obtain their parking receipts. Carrying out parking operations through the app contributes to security because physical contact with street parking meters is avoided, it is more comfortable because you receive a parking end notice and you only pay for the exact time you park.
Resident area fee
The fee for AREA residents during the year 2020 will continue to be 0.2 euros/day with a maximum of 1 euro/week. However, those residents with vehicles classified as Zero Emissions will be charged a daily fee of 0.00 euros/day and must obtain the corresponding parking receipt.
It should also be remembered that the old Resident Card is no longer valid as resident parking rights are associated with the registration of the resident's vehicle and both the ONparcar resident app and the new parking meters validate these associated parking rights.
Likewise, during this year 2020 the bonus for no complaints corresponding to 0.2 euros/day and per vehicle will be maintained.
App ONaparcar residents: obtaining customised parking vouchers for each person
AREA residents have the ONaparcar residents app available to obtain their parking vouchers. The length of time allowed for parking tickets issued by the app is entirely up to each person, as tickets can be obtained on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or maximum basis up to the last working day of 2020.
The digital vouchers obtained through the free mobile app ONaparcar residents are more secure and convenient, and can be checked telematically by a surveillance device on the street.
Parking meters: obtaining parking receipts for one day up to 20 working days
AREA residents who use parking meters can get their parking vouchers for days, weeks or a month at most (20 working days).
With the completion of the deployment of the new parking meters in the city, it is no longer necessary to place the ticket proving payment of the fee on the inside of the vehicle's windshield. The new parking meters recognize the vehicle's license plate as associated with a Resident and issue digital receipts that can be checked telematically and completely securely for the street surveillance device.
It should be remembered that, due to the health crisis, the cleaning and disinfection of the city's network of parking meters has been reinforced with the aim of contributing to the fight against the expansion of covid-19 and to the security of citizens and AREA staff.
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