Smou app exceeds 100,000 users
Smou, the app of Barcelona that brings together different mobility services in the same space, has reached 102,303 registered users in just four months since its launch.
Almost 800,000 parking operations per minute have been carried out in regulated parking spaces on public roads with the app smou. This means that more than 95% of users who pay their regulated parking tickets per minute by mobile phone do so with smou app.
Smou app is the mobile application of Barcelona that joins different mobility services in the same space and that allows, with apparkB service, parking per minute in the Blue and Green parking spaces of Barcelona for the exact time of parking and without needing to go to the parking meter, saving time and streamlining the process.
Smou in the AMB
Among the services offered by smou app, it is also possible to pay regulated parking in the municipalities of the AMB as L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Sant Joan Despí and Sant Just Despí, offering users to manage their mobility for these locations from one mobile application.
Among other value-added services, users of smou app can access information about the B:SM Parking Network Car parks, the Bicing stations network and the Endolla Barcelona electrical charging points network, in addition to access to services Drivy and Ubeeqo carsharing.
Smou is a dynamic and constantly growing application that evolves incorporating future new services such as the payment of parking per minute in the Parking Network B: SM Car parks.
Smou app is a free application and is available for iOS and Android devices. The registration is very simple and can be done in a standard way through the application itself or from the web www.smou.cat
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