Extension of regulated parking for residents of Zone 16 (District of Gràcia)
The signalling works for the implementation of the expansion of Zone 16 in the District of Gràcia begin from this month of January. This action will regulate the parking on-street in the neighbourhoods of Vallcarca, El Coll and La Salut for their residents have priority to park and may park their vehicle at a resident rate in the existing Green spaces of Zone 16.
This expand of the base of residents assigned to Zone 16 is a response to the suggestions that the neighbours have proposed through different channels and to the request transferred by the District of Gràcia itself.
The regulated parking spaces of Zone 16 are Green spaces (mixed resident and non-resident parking) and are identified with green paint. This means that, in order to prioritize the parking of residents, vehicles of non-residents in Zone 16 may only park a maximum of 2 hours within the regulation hours indicated by the corresponding vertical signal.
Information to residents
All residents into this extension who are holders of a vehicle registered at their address will have the possibility to park as a resident of the Zone 16. During the next few days the neighbours of the extended areas will receive in their addresses a letter with the Resident’s Card that will accredit them to have parking rights as resident in the Zone 16, information related to their area of residence and an information leaflet on the use of parking as a resident.
How get the parking tickets
To get on-street parking tickets as a resident, it is recommended to use the free mobile application ONaparcar residents. With this application can gets tickets from one day and, at most, until the end of the year. As a digital ticket, it can be checked in a secure and real-time way by the parking enforcement officer's device and, therefore, it is not necessary to use a parking meter or to place any badge or paper ticket on the vehicle.
Implementation Schedule
The planned implementation schedule is as follows:
- 09/01 – 18/01: Vertical special signage on the street indicating the dates on which cannot park to carry out the signalling works on each street.
- 18/01 – 13/01: Performance of the horizontal signage (painting of Green parking spaces on the road), vertical signage (installation of vertical regulation signals) and installation of parking meters, according to the dates established for each street.
- 28/01 – 13/02: Postal delivery of the AREA cards to the neighbours included within the extended zones.
- 18/02: Activation of the expanded zones of Zone 16 of AREA.
For more information: