Unificació de les Zones 23 i 17

From 7 October, works will begin to update the vertical signage on the street for the implementation of the unification of regulated parking zones 17 and 23 in the Horta-Guinardó District.

The implementation of this improvement arises from the analysis of the supply and demand of regulated parking in the neighbourhoods of Can Baró, Guinardó and Baix Guinardó and the agreement between residents and the District of Horta-Guinardó, with the aim of facilitating resident parking for the residents of these neighbourhoods.

Once these actions have been completed, the new unified AREA residents' zone will be known as Zone 17.

Information for residents of the former Zone 23

All residents of the former Zone 23 who have a vehicle registered at their home address will become part of Zone 17 and will be able to park in the green spaces within the boundaries of the new Zone 17, which will be identified on the corresponding vertical sign with the corresponding Resident Fee according to the environmental label of their vehicle.

These residents will not have to do anything. From 30 September, they will receive a letter at their homes informing them of the change of zone to which they will be assigned, the geographical limits of the new Zone 17 and operational information on the regulated parking service for residents.

Once they have received this letter, they will have been granted AREA resident parking rights at the Zone 17 resident rate and will therefore be able to park as a resident within the boundaries of the new unified Zone 17. If you have current resident parking tickets from the old Zone 23, they will be automatically transferred to Zone 17.


Information for new residents 

New residents registered as residents within the boundaries of this new unified Zone 17 who are entitled to park in AREA at the resident rate can apply for their resident parking rights at the Barcelona City Council Virtual Office, by calling 010 or by making an appointment at the BSM Citizen Service Point.

In the case of residents registered within the limits of this new unified Zone 17 and who are listed as the main driver on the insurance policy of a vehicle belonging to the company where they work or with which they have a commercial contract for the provision of services, in the case of self-employed persons; or who are the main driver of a vehicle which they have under a renting, leasing or stable rental contract for more than three months, either in their own name or in the name of the company where they work or with which they have a commercial contract for the provision of services, in the case of being self-employed, must expressly request their resident parking rights at the Barcelona City Council Virtual Office, by calling 010 or by making an appointment at the BSM Citizen Service Point.


Obtaining tickets

To obtain your resident parking tickets, you are recommended to use the ‘Barcelona Residents’ service of the free mobile application SMOU.

From the ‘Barcelona Residents’ service of the SMOU app you can obtain tickets from one day until the end of the year at the latest. As it is a digital ticket, it can be checked securely and in real time by the parking attendant's device and, therefore, it is not necessary to use a parking meter or place a badge or paper ticket in the vehicle. However, if necessary, a receipt of payment can be printed out.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that, with the SMOU app, it is also possible to obtain on-street parking tickets as a non-resident in Blue and Green parking spaces digitally. All of Barcelona's regulated parking services in a single mobile application.


Calendar of actions


• 30/09 - 06/10: Mailing of information letters to residents who are now registered in Zone 17.

• 03/10 - 04/10: Computer changeover from Zone 23 to Zone 17 to affected residents.

• 07/10 - 20/10: Update of informative vertical signage.


For more information:


- Download the Zone 17 map
- Download the Environmental Fees 2024
- Information on AREA Residents
- Information on 'Barcelona Residents' service of the SMOU app
- FAQs Residents