The objective of the places regulated as Urban Goods Distribution (DUM) is to provide service, on weekdays of 8-20h, to all vehicles that need to distribute goods very close to the destination point for a limited time of 30 minutes. The fixation of this time lapse has the objective of giving maximum rotation to these places and that can serve the maximum possible number of trucks and vans that perform these operations every day.
In the spaces for Urban Goods Distribution (DUM) only trucks, vans and mixed two-seater vehicles can be parked, as indicated by the signage. In case the vehicle doesn't meet this definition and it is a modified vehicle, its cataloging must be regularized in the Dirección General de Trànsito (DGT) to have the rigth to park in the DUM parking spaces of Barcelona.
To park in the DUM parking spaces of Barcelona, prior telematic validation through the spro app or by sending an SMS is mandatory and the maximum parking time is 30 minutes.
In the specific case of vehicles classified as Zero Emissions by DGT and authorized for parking in DUM parking spaces, the maximum parking time will be 30 minutes in addition to what determines the vertical signage corresponding to that specific space.
Number of places
In the city of Barcelona there are more than ten thousand and five hundred spaces for Urban Goods Distribution (DUM) within the scope of the comprehensive regulation of the AREA (see map) .
SPRO app Brochure
Download SPRO app Brochure here.

The new App for park into DUM parking spaces of Barcelona and metropolitan area

The parquimeter issues a control ticket that certifies that it is complying with the parking regulations