What is an Zero Emissions Vehicle?
Are considered as Zero Emissions vehicle with label Blue of 0 emissions those vehicles (moto, car or van) classified in the DGT's Vehicle Registry as battery electric vehicles (BEV), range extended electric vehicles (REEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) with a mínimum auttonomy of 40 kilometers or fuel cell vehicles.
How to apply for the electric vehicle card?
Apply for your electric vehicle card on the Endolla.Barcelona website, in the Contact section.
What is Endolla service?
Endolla is the service for electric vehicle recharging points in the city of Barcelona. With this service you can recharge your vehicle in a convenient and flexible way at different stations in the city.
For further information, visit Endolla.Barcelona website.
How does Endolla service work?
To use this service, you need to download the smou app and sign up.
Smou is the Barcelona app that helps you to get around, providing access to information and mobility services to make it easy for you to move around the city.
With smou, you can actívate the electric recharging points and know its location.
- Download the smou App.
- Register your information and créate your user account.
- Activate the Endolla service and recharge your vehicle.
- And if you have and electric vehicle card, link it to your user and vehicle.
With smou, you can resere a Street recharging point 20 minutes in advance, selecting the recharging point in the map.
I am a resident and I own a Zero Emissions vehicle. Do I have to pay in AREA?
If you are a resident and you own a Zero Emissions vehicle, you have to pay the rate for this vehicle in your resident zone, if that meet the requirements established for obtaining the AREA resident parking rights, in accordance with the provisions of Fiscal Ordinance 3.12, and disposes of the electric vehicle user card that identifies it.
I am own a Zero Emissions vehicle but I am not resident. What benefits do I have in AREA?
To have access to the benefits of owning a Zero Emissions vehicle, it is necessary that the vehicle meets all the necessary requirements and be recognized by de DGT.
With the Zero Emissions environmental label, you can benefit from the excepcionally reduced rate to 50% when park in Blue spaces of the city, according to the time regulation of each zone. In the case of vehicles for which the necessary data for the determination of the vehicle classification can not be available, the bonus will not be applied.
How does it work?
Once you have parked your Zero Emissions vehicle in the desired Blue space, you must get a ticket with the excepcionally reduced rate to 50% for the time you need and that, at most, will be that determines the regulation (normally it is 2 hours). For that, you must obtain the digital ticket either through the smou App or the physical parking meter on the street.
In case of parking as resident in Green or Residents-only spaces of your resident zone, to obtain the digital ticket with the resident rate that corresponds to the environmental label of your vehicle for the days you need, you must obtain the digital ticket either through the smou App or the physical parking meter on the street.
In any case, always check the vertical signage.
For more information about Zero Emissions vehicles and its card
You will find further information about electric vehicle and recharging service at Endolla.Barcelona website.