
Because you no longer have to think about how long you need to park for. Activate the operation, follow the steps and simply end the parking period when you return to your vehicle.

No need to be thinking about AREA ticket when you're with your family or running errands
No more awkward moments as you have to run out of a meeting to feed the meter. You have more important things to worry about.

Avoid the worry of wondering whether your ticket has enough time left on it
Or returning to your car to find a penalty

As a user, you’ll save time and money
And you’ll be able to get around the city with no stress or worries. Only pay for the parking time you have actually used.

No more searching for loose change
Or credit cards as you try to park.

No more hunting for a parking meter
And long trips there and back again to put the ticket in your car.

If it is raining or you are loaded down with bags
You can get a ticket from the comfort of your own car and without getting wet.

Avoid unnecessary fines
The app warns you when your time is about to run out.

Avoid queuing at parking meters
in certain parts of the city. When you use your mobile, it’s just you.

You can get extra services when you pay by mobile
Forgot where you parked? Running round the streets looking for your vehicle? Open smou and we’ll remind you.

Do you have a company?
No more having to add up paper AREA tickets. We send you a monthly online statement with all the details of your parking that you can use for accounting purposes. No more tickets to lose.