Expansion of the regulated parking in the District of Horta-Guinardó
From 05/06/2021, signalling works will begin due to the implementation of the expansion of the regulated parking zone in the Horta-Guinardó District. These actions are aimed at extending the AREA residents' zone known as Zone 29.
Expansion of Zone 29
With this action, parking will be regulated on the road between the limits of c. de Coll i Alentorn, c. de Lisboa, c. de les Lletres, c. de Dante, Pg. Verge Maria del Coll, c. de Lorda, Camí dels Àngels, c. de la Verge Maria dels Àngels, c. del General Mendoza and Pg. de la Vall d'Hebrón, so that residents will have priority when parking and will form part of the current Zone 29.
The spaces that are regulated with this expansion are 846 new Green spaces and are identified with green paint. This means that, in order to prioritise parking for residents, non-resident vehicles in Zone 29 will only be able to park for a maximum of two hours within the regulation hours indicated on the corresponding vertical sign and at the Green zone rate that corresponds to the vehicle's environmental label.
In addition, 510 new Motorbike parking spaces and 49 new DUM parking spaces will be created.
Information for residents
All residents of this extension who own a vehicle registered to their home address will be able to park in the green parking spaces in Zone 29, which will be identified on the corresponding vertical sign with the Resident rate that corresponds to the environmental label of their vehicle.
Thus, residents registered in the zone who own a car registered in Barcelona will not need to make any arrangements, as they were already registered with parking rights as residents in Zone 29.
New residents who are registered within the limits of this extension and who are entitled to park in the AREA at the resident rate can apply for their resident parking rights at the Barcelona City Council Virtual Office, by calling 010 or at the B:SM Citizen Service Point.
Obtaining tickets
To obtain resident parking tickets, users are recommended to use the free ONaparcar residents app. With this application it is possible to obtain tickets from one day until the end of the year at the latest. As it is a digital ticket, it can be checked securely and in real time by the parking attendant's device and therefore it is not necessary to use a parking meter or place a paper ticket in the vehicle. However, if necessary, a receipt can be printed out for the payment made.
Implementation schedule
The planned implementation schedule is as follows:
• 05/06 - 05/16: Vertical pre-signalling in the street indicating the dates on which parking will not be allowed in order to carry out the signage works in each street.
• 06/17 - 06/13: Horizontal signposting (new parking spaces will be painted on the street), vertical signposting (vertical regulation signs will be installed) and installation of parking meters, according to the dates established for each street.
• 06/14/2021: Activation of the new spaces in Zone 29.
For more information:
- Download the Zone 29 map
- Download the Environmental Fees 2021
- Information of Residents d’AREA
- Information on the ONaparcar residents app