Residents-only parking spaces become white
AREA, the regulated parking system of Barcelona, starts on April 23 an action to repaint all the current Residents-only parking spaces of the city of Barcelona with a new colour and exclusive design for this type of parking spaces.
The new paint colour that will identify the horizontal signage of the Residents-only parking spaces will be white and, in addition, each parking space will have the word 'RESIDENTS' inscribed on it also in white. However, the change of colour will not entail any change in the rights of use of the parking spaces which will maintain the same rights that they had until now.
In response to the suggestions that citizens and AREA users have made through the different channels, has been developed this new design of Residents-only parking spaces, which makes the identification of this type of parking space more understandable and avoids confusion with Green parking spaces, which do allow the access of Non-residents vehicles during regulation hours.
It is also necessary to emphasize that this action will not sacrifice any parking space, maintaining the same number of Residents-only parking spaces that were before the repainting.
Calendar of performances by Zones with Residents-only parking spaces
The planned schedule of actions is as follows:
- Nucli antic de Gràcia: 30/04 - 09/05
- Nucli antic de Sarrià: 10/05
- Camp de l'Arpa del Clot: 11/05 - 17/05
- Ciutat Vella (Raval, Barri Gòtic, El Born): 17/05 - 04/05
- Ciutat Vella (La Barceloneta): 25/05 - 06/06
Zones with Residents-only parking spaces
There are very specific zones of Barcelona that, due to their characteristics, have such a high infrastructural deficit that the exclusivity of parking only for their neighbors helps to alleviate this deficit. That is why the Residents-only parking spaces were created. However, being Residents-only, do not allow the possibility of parking other vehicles, for example, those who go to the local business or those relatives who visit residents.
Currently, there are Residents-only parking spaces in the district of Ciutat Vella, in the old center of Gràcia, in the old center of Sarrià, in the Camp de l'Arpa and, more recently, those incorporated in Zone 25 El Carmel, already with the new design.
Of these zones, the Residents-only parking spaces of the neighborhoods of La Barceloneta and El Born (district of Ciutat Vella) have Residents-only regulation 24 hours; while the rest of Residents-only parking spaces have regulation from 08.00 to 20.00 hours. This information is indicated in the specific vertical sign of regulation of each section and it is important to always verify the information contained in them.
For more information:
Residents-only parking spaces: https://www.areaverda.cat/en/information/places/exclusives-residents
ONaparcar residents: https://www.areaverda.cat/en/residents