Regulated parking in the beach zone ends its 2024 season
From November 1, 2024 the special regulated parking spaces ends in the zone of beaches in the Barcelona's Sant Martí district. In this case:
- The 83 regulated parking spaces on Icària av., in the area between Joan Miró st. and Llacuna passage, will keep as Blue area and with Rate B but its regulation timetable will be from 9 am to 8 pm from Monday to Friday.
- The 89 regulated parking spaces on Salvador Espriu st., in the area between Frederic Mompou st. and Llacuna passage, will change to Green area, with Rate B and with regulation timetable from 8 am to 8 pm from Monday to Friday.
- The 150 regulated parking spaces on Litoral av., in the area between Joan Miró st. and De la Jonquera, st. (upon Litoral av.), will keep as Blue area, with Rate B and with regulation timetable from 9 am to 8 pm from Monday to Sunday, including holidays.
In all cases, the final amout of the Regulated Parking rate applied will vary depending on the environmental label assigned to each vehicle by the DGT. It must be remembered that, during regulation timetable, it is mandatory to obtain the corresponding parking ticket and with a maximum of 2 hours of parking.
Obtaining the tickets
To obtain parking tickets for these regulated places, it is recommended to use SMOU, a free mobile application. This app allows paying digitally the Blue and Green regulated parking spaces of Barcelona and the municipalities of the metropolitan area and obtain a digital ticket that can be checked in a secure and in real-time way by the parking enforcement surveillance’s devices and, therefore, it is not necessary to go to the parking meter or return to leave any paper ticket in the vehicle. Also, only pay for the actual minutes of parking.
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